
Roberto Gaburri 2024 Trophy

The Argentinians Daniel Andres Erejomovich and Gustavo Llanos are ahead of the crews Vesco-Salvinelli and Beccalossi-Marchioni 

Daniel Andres Erejomovich and Gustavo Llanos, in their 1929 Alfa Romeo 6C 1500 Ss won the seventh edition of the Trofeo Gaburri, the race which took place in the centre of Brescia between Corso Zanardelli and the Castle.
The first participating car left the 1000 Miglia Village in Piazza Vittoria at 6:30 pm, the square packed with people for the occasion, with the weather being mild at least until the final Time Control in Piazza Paolo VI.

There were many fans and onlookers who made the Brescia evening even more festive, hunting for a photo of the 84 cars, including Ferraris and the classic cars, that took part in the Trophy.