

The project, which will see 1000 Miglia in the lead role, is aimed at setting up a filiera recognised by the Lombardy Region

If you are a restorer, a mechanic, an upholsterer or a coachbuilder, if your profession interfaces with the historic motoring sector, you have the chance to take part in a filiera dedicated to the growth of the sector and all its players who will cooperate to enhance the classic car market, promoting trust and credibility in the sector, the sustainability of historic motoring and the preservation and enhancement of its cultural heritage for future generations.

The project, called Classic Car Region: development of human capital for the recovery and valorisation of historic cars – culture and passion between past and future, has for primary objective the creation of integrated production ecosystems, facilitating relations between the production sector, academia, the scientific world and training institutions.

Thanks to the co-ordination of 1000 Miglia Srl and the animation of IBS Consulting Srl, a circular, sustainable, technological and humanising ecosystem will be created, which, through the growth of all the members of the partnership, aims to become an international reference point.

Joining a filiera recognised by the Lombardy Region offers the possibility of receiving bonuses in terms of points and/or amount of benefits as well as further support measures defined by the Region from time to time (e.g. access to low-interest loans and non-refundable subsidies for activities carried out within the filiera).