
1000 Miglia 2024, crews on their way to Genoa

After the first trials of the day Vesco and Salvinelli remain in front of all the other crews. Followed by Fontanella Covelli and Tonconogy-Ruffini

The convoy of the 2024 edition of the 1000 Miglia, preceded by the Ferraris of the 1000 Miglia Tribute and the 1000 Miglia Green, set off from Turin heading south under an overcast but not threatening sky, which soon gave way to some sunshine. After warming up the engines for some eighty kilometres in the hills of the Piedmontese Langhe, the stopwatches were started in Momburazzo for a block of 10 concatenated trials. The updated classification after the trials shows Vesco and Salvinelli still in the first place followed by Fontanella and Covelli. In third place Tonconogy-Ruffini.

After the regrouping Time Control near the former Battisti Military Barracks of Acqui Terme, the crews were welcomed inside the town centre for a passage control in the square of La Bollente, a renowned salt-bromine-iodine water fountain, known for its curative properties.

After the Ponzone Average Trial and the Time Trials of Urbe Vara, the cars will face the panorama of the Faiallo Pass. On this pass of the Ligurian Apennines, whose proximity of the watershed to the sea makes it an area subject to unusual weather phenomena, there will be another passage control and an Average Trial.

Once the mountain hairpin bends have been completed, the crews will reach the coast, skirting the Ligurian Sea until the arrival at the Porto Antico of Genoa, where the lunch on the second day of the race will take place. The Ligurian capital will welcome the competitors in the former cotton warehouses overlooking the gulf, with an incredible view of the city from the Belvedere dei Dogi.