

New company settlement of 1000 Miglia Srl: Andrea Dalledonne, formerly member of the the Board of Director, and Marco Makaus join the company.

Brescia, 5 February 2013 – Two new professionals have come on board and will co-opt on the 1000 Miglia Srl’s executive staff. They will be replacing Stefano Sacco, current CEO, who will be leaving to take on an important new professional opportunity. Andrea Dalledonne, who is already part of 1000 Miglia Srl’s Board of Directors along with Marco Makaus will be stepping in as Executive Board Members.

Andrea Dalledonne will be running administration, finance and management control whereas Marco Makaus will be handling brand promotion, marketing and the management of organizational relationships.”The idea to strengthen our Administrative & Marketing Management and to reinforce relationships with car manufacturers was already on our agenda. Sacco himself was planning to do so. His leaving only anticipated what would have been done over the next few days” commented President Roberto Gaburri. “With the entrance of these two professionals with such keen intellects, we can certainly say that we are more than well-equipped and prepared to tackle the organizational challenge of the next Mille Miglia edition”. Both individuals not only take with them extremely professional profiles but also possess specific experience. Dalledonne proudly brings with him a wealth of experience, including varied experiences in major national and international business groups He specializes in management control, business organization and extraordinary finance.

Makaus is a well-known name in the automotive sector with over twenty years of experience nationally and internationally, in creating and managing famous successful brands like Jeep, Ferrari, Mini, and Rolls Royce. Moreover, he is a grand expert in vintage cars, as well as a collector, and historian. He has written articles on the subject and has also been involved in organizing clubs and vintage car events. President Gaburri wishes to thank Sacco for his efforts in creating a highly professional and competent team that is driven towards further success. “In companies, it often happens that professional opportunities lead staff towards new horizons outside the company” – explains Gaburri. “We would like to think however, that the Mille Miglia has brought Sacco luck just as we hope to bring that fortune to all the members of our team.

We can certainly count on all the precious contributions he has given us so far and invite the possibility of maintaining our ties so that Sacco can keep contributing his strengths to our organization”. “This new organizational structure – commented the Provisional Administrator Matteo Piantedosi – allows us to definitively launch our race and bring about a worthy and due presentation of our project. This courageous endeavor has come to fruition through the willingness of great professionals that should be thanked for putting into place a sustainable plan from all points of view, a very worthwhile plan that will be strengthened by the addition of two new figures. They will certainly allow us to more easily face all of tomorrow’s refreshing challenges. 1000 Miglia Srl welcomes this challenge with more and more enthusiasm, because the process of change always has a generative power as well as a unique opportunity for growth”. The New Management and the Provisional Administrator Piantedosi will be meeting the press on February 18, 2013. An appropriate communication will be given to the press.