
The 1000 Miglia Experience UAE – Jubilee Edition gets underway

The biggest vintage car rally ever seen in the UAE is finally about to get underway, on the strength of last February’s 1000 Miglia Experience UAE Prologue. The event, born out of the collaboration between 1000 Miglia Srl and Octanium, will take place in true 1000 Miglia style, in accordance with the principles of regularity races. To underline the importance of the occasion, the name of the event will officially bear a reference to the Golden Jubilee of the United Arab Emirates, which ended recently.

The participating crews will drive through all seven emirates in four days, covering more than 1600 km along the breath-taking landscapes of the Middle East, from the beaches of Ras Al Kaimah and Fujairah to the endless panoramas of Jabel Jais. The nerve centre of the race will be Dubai, where all the competing cars were on display on 4 December. From here, today, on 5 December, the first leg towards Fujairah will start. On the second day, the cars will arrive in Ras Al Khaimah, on the following day they will return to Dubai, and on the fourth day, 8 December, they will reach Abu Dhabi for the grand finale.

The competing cars will be divided into three categories: the 1000 Miglia Class will include cars that have participated in at least one of the historic 1000 Miglia editions held between 1927 and 1957; while the UAE Jubilee Class will include sports cars, Gran Turismo and Supercars built up to 1971 and in possession of a valid FIVA certificate. Finally, the Contemporary Icons Class will feature modern Supercars and Hypercars built from 1971 onwards.