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Leg 1 – 15th June

Salò, Desenzano del Garda, Sirmione, Sigurtà Park, Mantova, Ferrara, Comacchio, Cervia-Milano Marittima.

After the start from Brescia, the cars headed towards Lake Garda, first Salò then Desenzano del Garda and Sirmione from where they paraded through the Sigurtà Garden Park, Mantua and Ferrara and reach Cervia-Milano Marittima for the end of the first day.


The race will cross this elegant lakeside location

A first stop with a view of Lake Garda. In the 2022 edition, on June 15th the Race will pass through Salò. This year too, the race will cross one of the symbolic places of Garda. A point of reference for the citizens who live in this area, but a must as a tourist destination for those who want to know the history that characterizes the area. Thus the Red Arrow convoy will find itself traveling the streets of Salò, which over the centuries was firstly, capital of the Magnifica Patria during the Venetian domination, and then the seat of numerous ministries of the fascist government of the Italian Social Republic.

San Felice del Benaco

The 1000 Miglia happy cove

During the first leg of the 40th commemoration of the “most beautiful race in the world”, the cars drove through the area, including the three small towns of S. Felice, Portese and Cisano. A morainic headland jutting out over Lake Garda between the gulf of Salò and the gulf of Manerba, bordered by Monte della Croce, Monte Campagnolo and Monte Santa Caterina.

The name San Felice probably derives from the Latin sinus felix (happy cove) or from the patron saints of the town: Felice, Adauto and Flavia.

Since 1927, San Felice, Portese and Cisano have formed a single municipality. The roots of the settlements are very ancient, in fact, pile-dwelling stations, Roman tombstones have been discovered and the remains of medieval castles are still visible.

Manerba del Garda

Between the blue of Lake Garda and the green hinterland, the magic of Manerba del Garda

Nestling on the Lombardy shore of the lake, where the moraine hills seem to stretch out toward the surface of the waters, Manerba del Garda boasts a heritage of nature, landscape, history, and traditions. 

Populated since ancient times and visited each year by tourists from all over the world, Manerba, whose name seems to descend from the mythological goddess Minerva, finds in the Rocca and the striking rocky cliff overlooking Lake Garda one of the most beloved and visited sites in the Benacense region. 

The olive groves and vineyards that surround the small villages of Manerba tell of the typical flavors of the Valtenesi region and constitute the further enrichment of the vacation experience that this sun-kissed land can offer, 365 days a year, discovering genuine emotions.

Moniga del Garda

The 1000 Miglia in the Valtenesi

There are various linguistic interpretations of the name Moniga: some believe it derives from the Germanic toponym “Morn” (exposed to morning) and others trace it back to the presumed presence of a sanctuary dedicated to the Athenian goddess “Diana Munichia”. What is certain is that Moniga has been inhabited since the Bronze Age, as revealed by the underwater pile-dwelling site at “Porto”.

The hill sloping down towards the lake is dominated by the castle consisting of a walled enclosure topped by the keep. During the first leg, on 15 June 2022, the cars of the 1000 Miglia passed through the characteristic oldest part of the town in the locality of “Pozzo”, where, strolling along narrow alleys, it is possible to catch glimpses of the lake or architectural details of a particular value, albeit without any ostentation.

Padenghe sul Garda

The Red Arrow in the ghibelline stronghold

The first leg of the “most beautiful race in the world”, on 15 June 2022, passed through the municipality of Padenghe, a small town on the Brescia side of Lake Garda surrounded by green moraine hills.
The first settlement was built on the lakeshore only to be abandoned before 1000 AD due to barbarian raids that drove the population to take refuge in the hills, where the castle, with its pebble walls, was erected.
In the Middle Ages, the castle became a Ghibelline stronghold, disputed between Brescia and Verona.
For many years, Padenghe and its castle were a land of conquest, by the Scaligeri, by the Visconti or the Venetian Republic.
The inhabitants of Padenghe sul Garda, who until a decade ago lived on a mainly agricultural economy, have discovered their vocation for tourism and, with their warm welcome combined with the mild climate, have made their small town an ideal place to spend hours of relaxation and holidays.

Desenzano del Garda

1000 Miglia and Desenzano, a bond that continues over time

The Red Arrow on the streets of one of the most renowned locations on Garda. During the first leg of 1000 Miglia 2022, which took place on June 15, the Race crossed the town with an artistic, historical and archaeological heritage that has its roots in the Roman era. A place where nature shows all its beauty. For this reason, it is also a starting point for excursions in the Lake Garda area.


A unique site for an unrepeatable race

The salon of Lake Garda welcomed the Most beautiful race in the world. During the first leg, which hold on June 15, the traveling museum crossed the pearl of Garda. A place where the uniqueness of the cars participating in the race merged with the naturalistic and historical wonders of the place that attracts tourists from all over the world.

Peschiera del Garda

The fortress town, a mixture of lake and river

Located south of Lake Garda and close to Lake Garda’s outflow, the Mincio, Peschiera was built by modifying the natural course of the river that surrounds it: in fact, to enable the city’s defense, three outflow branches from the lake were built, which then come together south of the town, with the characteristic historic center that spreads over islets connected by bridges. One above all is the Ponte dei Voltoni, a structure with beautiful terracotta arches, overlooking the Canale di Mezzo, where the boats of Peschiera del Garda’s fishermen dock neatly, overlooking the islet below, beyond which the waters of the Benaco flow into the river.
Since 2017, the Venetian town has been included in UNESCO ‘s Venetian Defense Works between the 16th and 17th centuries: Western State of Land – State of Sea, thanks mainly to the presence of the Venetian Republic’s bastions and Napoleonic fortress: in particular, the Fortress, also known as the Rocca, is a small architectural jewel, enclosed in an imposing pentagonal-shaped wall, dating back to the 16th century, with beautiful bastions and imposing access gates.

Sigurtà Park

The Red Arrow returns to one of the most beautiful parks in Europe

The historic cars of 1000 Miglia immersed in the nature of the Sigurtà garden-park. During the first leg, held in June 15, the Red Arrow marvelled at the elegance and uniqueness of this historic park which has received important awards: “Most Beautiful Park in Italy 2013”, “Second Most Beautiful Park in Europe 2015 “,” World Tulip Award 2019 “and” Best Attraction in the World 2020 “.


1000 Miglia in the city of Tazio Nuvolari

The historic cars of the Race follow in the footsteps of the “flying Mantuan”. In the first leg of the 2022 edition, scheduled for June 15, the Red Arrow passed through the city, which, in addition to being a symbol of motoring history, represents a treasure trove of art and culture. The place that reached its maximum splendor with the domination of the Gonzaga, is ready to welcome 1000 Miglia. A gesture that is a symbol of Mantua, embraced and surround by the three lakes created by the Mincio River.


The traveling museum in the capital of the Renaissance

Considered one of the art cities par excellence, Ferrara can boast about seeing a traveling museum passing through its streets. The 1000 Miglia 2022 passed through Ferrara and then concluded the first leg in Cervia. On 15 June the Race travelled through the Renaissance capital, ruled for three centuries by the House of Este and which still today preserves a unique urban plan in which the Middle Ages and the Renaissance manage to blend. This unique feature of Ferrara has earned it the recognition of UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.


A tourist destination between land and water

Comacchio, considered the capital of the Park of the Po Delta, is a centre that stretches between land and water. A town characterised by breath-taking views. For example, from the Ponte degli Sbirri, you can enjoy the most beautiful view: on one side the ancient Ospedale degli Infermi and on the other the 19th century Palazzo Bellini and the famous Trepponti, the symbol of Comacchio. There are also many places to visit. The Porticato dei Cappuccini, which leads to the Sanctuary of Santa Maria in Aula Regia, provides access to the ancient Manifattura dei Marinati, where it is possible to visit the “Sala dei fuochi”, with 12 fireplaces for cooking eels on a spit before marinating them. A testimony to the maritime activity is the Antica Pescheria, a beautiful 17th-century building, which today hosts the daily fish market. Other important historical buildings are the ancient Cattedrale di San Cassiano, the Loggia del Grano and the Torre dell’Orologio. Not only history and culture, but also nature with the Valli di Comacchio nature site, south of the town centre. A place that is usually visited in the late afternoon, when the colours of the sunset create a unique setting.

Cervia – Milano Marittima

The Red Arrow in the heart of the Romagna Riviera

The first leg of 1000 Miglia 2022 ended in one of the main seaside resorts of the Romagna Riviera. On 15 June the Red Arrow convoy crossed Cervia, the town that has been awarded the Blue Flag since 1998. With 9 kilometers of beach and over 185 bathing establishments, Cervia annually attracts tourists from all over Italy and the world.

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This is the #1000Miglia 2024 🫶🏻
Questa è la #1000Miglia 2024 🫶🏻
After some 2200 km through some of the most beautiful places in Italy, the crews reached #Brescia 
Let’s review the best moments of Leg 5 🥲🚗🏁
Dopo circa 2200 km attraversando alcuni tra i luoghi più belli d’Italia, gli equipaggi hanno raggiunto #Brescia 
Rivediamo i momenti più belli della Tappa 5 🥲🚗🏁
Whilst the 5th and last Leg is on its way, tell us in the comments which was your favourite moment of Leg 4🎥✨🚗
Mentre è partita la 5 ed ultima Tappa, racconta nei commenti qual è stato il tuo momento preferito della Tappa 4 🎥✨🚗
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2 weeks ago

L'emozione è ancora più forte quando è condivisa! 🚗❤️
Un ringraziamento speciale a tutti i Partner che ci hanno accompagnato in questa incredibile avventura.
The excitement is even stronger when it is shared! 🚗❤️
Special thanks to all the Partners who accompanied us on this incredible adventure.

Chopard, J.P. Morgan Private Bank, Vredestein, Villa Trasqua, The Fastlane Club, The Houtkamp Collection, Retro Rally Group, Way2Drive, Franciacorta
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2 weeks ago

Festeggiamo anche le vincitrici della Coppa delle Dame della #1000Miglia2024 e, con loro, tutti gli equipaggi al femminile che quest’anno hanno preso parte alla Corsa. 🚗🏆
A trionfare sono state Silvia Marini e Irene Dei Tos che, a bordo di una Cistalia 202 S Mm Spider del 1947, hanno chiuso la gara al 27 posto assoluto🥇
We also celebrate the winners of the Ladies' Cup of the #1000Miglia2024 and, with them, all the female crews who took part in the race this year. 🚗🏆
The winners were Silvia Marini and Irene Dei Tos who, in a Cistalia 202 S Mm Spider from 1947, finished the race in 27 place overall🥇
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2 weeks ago

Sulla pedana di Viale Venezia si è conclusa la #1000Miglia2024 🔚🥲
Ecco i nomi dei vincitori🏆:
🥇Andrea Vesco e Fabio Salvinelli a bordo di una Alfa Romeo 6C 1750 Ss Spider Z del 1929
🥈 Gianmmario Fontanella e Anna Maria Covelli a bordo di una Lancia Lambda Casaro VII Serie del 1927
🥉 Alberto Aliverti e Stefano Valente a bordo di una Alfa Romeo 6C 1750 Ss Spider Z del 1929
I vincitori si sono aggiudicati la Coppa 1000 Miglia 2024, un’opera d’arte realizzata dall’artista olandese Sabine Marcelis, metafora perfetta della vittoria in Team:
la scultura, infatti, è composta da due parti che, unite, la compongono nella sua interezza. Due pezzi complementari, pensati per essere autonomi e destinati a pilota e copilota, che solo con la loro unione trovano completezza💫
The #1000Miglia2024 finished on the Viale Venezia platform 🔚🥲
Here are the names of the winners 🏆:
🥇 Andrea Vesco and Fabio Salvinelli in a Alfa Romeo 6C 1750 Ss Spider Z from 1929
🥈 Gianmmario Fontanella and Anna Maria Covelli in a Lancia Lambda Casaro VII Serie from 1927
🥉 Alberto Aliverti and Stefano Valente in a Alfa Romeo 6C 1750 Ss Spider Z from 1929
The winners were awarded the Coppa 1000 Miglia 2024, a work of art created by Dutch artist Sabine Marcelis, a perfect metaphor for a Team victory:
the sculpture, in fact, is composed of two parts that, when joined together, make up a whole. Two complementary pieces, designed to be autonomous and intended for the driver and co-driver, which only through their union find completeness 💫
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Seventh edition of the regularity race dedicated to the first Chairnan of 1000 Miglia srl🚗

Classic cars from the #1000Miglia and post-1958 cars entered in the Ferrari Tribute competed for the
Trofeo Roberto Gaburri 🏆 on the circuit in the city centre of #Brescia.

The #1000Miglia2024 week kicks off, just two days to go 😍

Confident that this unique edition of the #CoppadelleAlpi2024 has left an indelible mark in the hearts of all those who participated with passion, dedication and joy, a special thanks go to our Partners who chose to be at our side 😍🚗 🏔️

A 1000 thanks to you all!

At the official closing of the #CoppadelleAlpi2024, the spectacular view of the surrounding mountains given by the Mont Blanc hall of the Courmayeur Congress Centre hosted the “Journey in the Alpine platform in the making” conference
News here 🗞️👉

🥇Stefano Ginesi and Susanna Rohr in a Fiat 508 S ''Balilla'' Coppa D from 1934 win the #CoppadelleAlpi2024 and the St. Moritz Trophy 🥈

Read the news here 🗞️👉

Race activities: ☑️⏱️ 3 Time Controls, 2 Average Trials, 10 Time Trials and 3 Countries crossed 🇨🇭🇫🇷 🇮🇹
Read the news here 🗞️👉

