Press conference today
“Mille Miglia is so much more than race cars, drivers, winners, and losers. Mille Miglia is a part of Italian life, and its effects extend the length and breadth of Italy, all the way down to Sicily.”
Denis Jenkinson
Although written seventy years ago, this sentence by English journalist Denis Jenkinson, winner of the 1955 Mille Miglia alongside Stirling Moss, is still current, because it fully reflects what the Red Arrow means to this day, and how beloved it is even now.
In keeping with the tradition of the international presentation, the 33rd nostalgia edition of the Mille Miglia race, scheduled from 14 through 17 May, was presented on opening day of Techno-Classica Essen, the most important showcase dedicated to Europe’s vintage cars.
“Yet again, eighty-eight years after the first edition in 1927, the can’t-miss appointment with the Red Arrow is planned in Brescia, the City of the Mille Miglia, where, from 14 through 17 May 2015, Mille Miglia’s 32nd nostalgia edition will be held,” commented Roberto Gaburri, Chairman of 1000 Miglia Srl.
Adding together the 24 racing editions from 1927 to 1957 (13 before the Second World War and 11 after 1947), the 3 with the rally formula of 1958, 1959 and 1961, and the 32 nostalgia editions from 1977 to 2014, the 2015 edition will see the seventieth auto competition to bear the Mille Miglia name.
As always, this will be a one-of-a-kind opportunity to best savour the best of Italian hospitality, through artistic masterpieces and natural scenery of extraordinary beauty, all enriched by the passing of 430 vintage cars.
This year, Mille Miglia will be organized for the third time by a company that is a 100% stakeholding of Automobile Club di Brescia, the holder of the brand since the first edition.
According to Marco Makaus, Managing Director of 1000 Miglia Srl, “This year’s edition will be another step on a long journey that continues to hold fascination, and to which some modifications are made every year, always with the utmost respect for tradition.
In 2015, after the positive experience of the previous year, Mille Miglia will continue to be held in four stages over four days.
This is a choice with strong repercussions on the entire programme and course, which in 2014 met with the general public’s enthusiastic approval. The extra stage, with extended passage times, allowed more people to watch the cars go by: in particular, the finish was moved to Sunday instead of Saturday night, to allow families and younger people to be on hand as well.
Our commitment was immediately to guarantee authenticity and safety for Mille Miglia, as well as its historical and sporting aspects. All this led us to introduce some new elements, while seeking to respect the legend we have been called upon to protect and celebrate.”
At the last edition, the course underwent changes in order to allow the Mille Miglia to pass through places where it had been absent for years. This year, continuing with this same philosophy, some variations have been introduced.
The start – moved up to 2:30 PM on Thursday, 14 May – will take place as always from Viale Venezia delle Mille Miglia: the first stage will end in Rimini. The next day, stage two, in accordance with tradition, will bring the competitors to Rome.
The programme on day two, Friday, 15 May, does not hold much new in store: after San Marino, the participants will continue towards Senigallia, where they will have lunch on the coastal road, Pesaro and Ancona; they will then continue south, along the coastline, to Loreto, Recanati and Macerata and on to Ascoli and Teramo.
From here, the long caravan of cars will turn inland towards Rieti. The arrival in the capital will be moved up from last year, with the first car reaching Rome, at Castel Sant’Angelo at 8:30 PM.
On Saturday 16 May, the course will remain virtually unchanged from Rome to Tuscany, with the usual transits, so loved by competitors, through Ronciglione, Viterbo, Radicofani, and Siena. The rest stop will take place for the first time in Cascina; after Pisa and Lucca, the competing cars will cross the Abetone Pass, returning to flat ground all the way to Reggio Emilia.
Stage three will end in Parma, with the final control in front of its renowned Teatro Regio at 9:00 PM. On Sunday morning, from the ducal city, the competitors will return to Brescia.
Stage four, on Sunday, 17 May, offers two entirely new elements for the Red Arrow course: to make its own contribution to an extraordinary event like Expo Milano 2015, while not blocking fair traffic with its own caravan of more than one thousand cars, Mille Miglia will be paying tribute with a passage control at Villa Reale in Monza, the seat of Expo 2015.
Moreover, to the great joy of the drivers of the cars in competition and the spectators on hand, the Red Arrow will be entering the Autodromo di Monza, thanks to an agreement between the owners of these two car racing icons: Automobile Club d’Italia of Brescia, and of Milano.
In the Brianza circuit, including the recently restored “high-speed” section, competitors will be contending in some time trials: the winner will be awarded an Automobile Club di Milano trophy named for the great Alberto Ascari who lost his life in Monza in May 1955, exactly sixty years ago.
Then, passing through Bergamo and Franciacorta, the approximately 430 cars in the race will return to Brescia 1,760 kilometres later.
The logistical and organizational aspects of an event like this one are always quite complex, explains Andrea Dalledonne, Managing Director of 1000 Miglia Srl: “The numbers are indicative of the apparatus set in motion by Mille Miglia, which this year will see about 430 cars in the competition, a record figure for all editions, with about 1,600 persons between participants and team members, involving more than 2,000 persons in the organization, and accrediting about 2,000 journalists and media operators. This is why we would like to publicly thank all those who made the commitment to host the Red Arrow’s passage and to offer an exciting spectacle of history, sport, and culture.”
From the sporting standpoint as well, there are some new features: 2015 saw an increase in the number of trials to determine classification, rising to 84, 76 of which traditional and 8 by average time. Unchanged are the coefficients applied to the cars, but the supplementary “bonus” will no longer be applied to the models that took part in an edition between 1927 and 1957.
MILLE MIGLIA 2015 registrations
The world’s most admired “travelling museum” continues to charm fans on all five continents. The past years, 2013 and 2014, saw on-line entries on the Mille Miglia registration site by more than 2,500 teams and vehicles. Those who had already registered this year did not have to repeat the process; with the new registrations, the number of potential registered competitors exceeds 3,000.
Registrations with Mille Miglia 2015 confirmed the trend of recent years, which has exceeded all expectations: despite the persisting economic crisis, which certainly conditioned the number, the total is virtually identical to previous years. The only difference is in the addition of five represented countries, which have risen to 42: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Ecuador, France, Germany, Japan, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Isle of Man, Israel, Italy, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Monte Carlo, New Zealand, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Republic of San Marino, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Slovenia, Spain, United States, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand.
Excluding incomplete, unpaid, or invalid registrations, 617 were assessed by the examination commission, from 7 nations more than last year; Italy continues to be the country with the highest representation, with 131 entries.
Slightly declining are participations from Germany, with 85 registered teams. The United Kingdom, with 54 entries, has held steady.
Countries with double-digit entries include Netherlands and Belgium, respectively with 42 and 40 competitors, Switzerland with 38, the United States with 36, Austria with 12, and Japan with 11.
Of the registered vehicles, the most represented brands are Alfa Romeo and Jaguar with 58 cars; followed by Lancia with 43 and Fiat with 42 entries; Mercedes-Benz also counts 42, followed by Porsche with 36 cars, Aston Martin with 29, Bugatti with 22, and Ferrari and Austin Healey with 21; the list ends with other names, for a record total of 73 carmakers.
teams and vehicles accepted to the start of MILLE MIGLIA 2015
Like every year, so many requests have caused some difficulty for the Committee called upon to make the choice to select the teams admitted to motor sport’s Mount Olympus. Taking part in the Mille Miglia has always been considered a success: finishing it – no matter where in the classification – brings sublime excitement.
After the fervid selection work applying rigorous criteria of merit, the Selection Committee had no reservations about its list of accepted cars, whose value in terms of quality, collector’s interest, and sporting merits is quite high. Of these, 67 are models that took part in at least one Mille Miglia racing edition, from 1927 to 1957.
To expand the historical value of a fleet of vehicles that no vintage car event can boast of, those making the selection decided to accept, in addition to the 430 cars selected, 9 more models entered by the Italian Army, in the special “military” category, bringing the total to nearly 430 cars, a record figure. Of these, 22 belong to the “Special List”: these are models that, although responding to the characteristics of Mille Miglia, for a number of reasons did not take part during the classic years. These cars, competing to all effects as the others, will start in a “Special List”: the only difference will be that of not assigning the coefficient of merit, so that victory remains reserved for the models that took the field from 1927 to 1957.
from the carmakers’ museums: treasures of INESTIMABLE value
Among the many reasons why Mille Miglia is without compare for refinement, exclusivity, and prestige, there is that of being the rarest travelling museum of automobile history. Once a year, treasures of inestimable value, which have gone down in history as among the finest in international motor sports, will converge on Brescia.
Participants include models from the museums of carmakers like Mercedes-Benz, Alfa Romeo, BMW, Jaguar and Porsche.
The cars taking the field at the Viale Venezia start on the evening of Thursday, 16 May belong to 61 different brands: the lion’s share goes to Mercedes-Benz and Alfa Romeo with 38 cars, followed by Jaguar with 36, FIAT with 34, Lancia with 30 and Porsche with 22 cars.
Yet again, after eighty years, the can’t-miss appointment with the Red Arrow is scheduled in Brescia, the city of the Mille Miglia, for this coming 14 May; and next year’s date is already set: Mille Miglia 2016 will take place from 12 to 15 May.
(plus “Military” vehicles)
All the information on the “world’s best car race ” is available at:
The site contains news, information, and new features regarding Mille Miglia:
– The “MILLE MIGLIA” section, under “MILLE MIGLIA: THE RACE,” contains the complete history of the editions from 1927 to 1957.
– The “NEWS” section contains all the current news, listed in chronological order of release, starting with the most recent.
– The “PRESS AREA” section, under “PRESS KIT,” has all the information of use for learning about Mille Miglia, yesterday and today.
For information:
1000 Miglia S.r.l.
Media relation & PR
Tel. 030.2318211
There is still one month to go before entries close for the 1000 Miglia Experience Italy 2025 🔜
The event, the result of the success of Sorrento Roads, from 10 to 13 April, will take you on an exciting journey through Southern Italy, discovering the beauty of Campania, Basilicata and Puglia, visiting four UNESCO World Heritage Sites: the Amalfi Coast, the Sassi of Matera, the Trulli of Alberobello and Castel del Monte.
Click on the link in bio 👆 to enter and enjoy an Italian-style driving experience amidst unparalleled panoramas, glamorous venues and activities to discover the excellence of the territory 💯
Manca un mese alla chiusura delle iscrizioni alla 1000 Miglia Experience Italy 2025 🔜
L`evento, nato dal successo della Sorrento Roads, dal 10 al 13 aprile, ti guiderà in un viaggio emozionante attraverso il Sud Italia che ti porterà a scoprire le bellezze di Campania, Basilicata e Puglia, toccando quattro siti UNESCO: la Costiera Amalfitana, i Sassi di Matera, i Trulli di Alberobello e Castel del Monte.
Clicca il link in bio 👆 per iscriverti e vivere un’esperienza di guida all’insegna dell’Italian Style fra panorami ineguagliabili, location glamour e attività alla scoperta delle eccellenze del territorio 💯
Feb 18
Happy Valentine’s Day to all those who are in love at 1000 Miglia and with the 1000 Miglia! 😜❤️🚗
Buon San Valentino a tutti gli innamorati alla 1000 Miglia e della 1000 Miglia! 😜❤️🚗
Feb 14
How do you win a regularity race? 🚗
It is a matter of precision, not speed! ⏱
Each section of the route has an average time to be respected, and the winner is the crew that manages to complete the race within the set time as much as possible. Any difference in times, cars arriving early or late, incurs penalties.
Come si vince una gara di regolarità? 🚗
È una questione di precisione, non di velocità! ⏱
Ogni sezione del percorso ha un tempo medio da rispettare e la vittoria viene conquistata dall’equipaggio che riesce a percorrere il tracciato rispettando il più possibile il tempo stabilito. Ogni differenza, in anticipo o ritardo, prevede penalità.
Feb 11
1000 Miglia style 😎
Feb 4
Are you ready for the winter challenge of the year? ⏳
There is only one week to go before entries close for the Coppa delle Alpi, the race that will inaugurate the 2025 Italian Major Events Championship! ❄
Experience the adrenaline rush of competing with the best crews along a 885 kilometre route through Italy, Switzerland and Austria!
📆When? From 12 to 16 March.
Entries close on 7 February – click on the link in bio👆 and guarantee your place at the starting line!
Sei pronto per la sfida invernale dell’anno? ⏳
Manca solo una settimana alla chiusura delle iscrizioni per la Coppa delle Alpi, la gara che inaugura il Campionato Italiano Grandi Eventi 2025! ❄
Vivi l’adrenalina di gareggiare con i migliori equipaggi lungo un percorso di 885 chilometri che attraversa Italia, Svizzera e Austria!
📆Quando? Dal 12 al 16 marzo.
Le iscrizioni chiudono il 7 febbraio – clicca sul link in bio👆 e assicurati il tuo posto sulla linea di partenza!
Jan 31
What is the Training Day? 🚗
The first day of the Experience and Warm Up events of the 1000 Miglia is dedicated to the Training Day, an opportunity designed to allow all crews, both novices and veterans, to get prepared for the race in the best possible way.
For crews new to regularity racing, this day offers an important learning opportunity, with theoretical sessions illustrating the basic techniques and practical moments in which the teams can put the notions they have learnt into practice directly on the road. The more experienced crews, on the other hand, can use the Training Day as a time to warm up and refine their skills, before tackling the more demanding challenges of the race.
Cos`è il Training Day?🚗
La prima giornata degli eventi Experience e Warm Up di 1000 Miglia è dedicata al Training Day, un`opportunità pensata per consentire a tutti gli equipaggi, sia neofiti che veterani, di prepararsi al meglio per la competizione.
Per gli equipaggi alle prime esperienze con le gare di regolarità, questa giornata offre un`importante occasione di apprendimento, con sessioni teoriche che illustrano le tecniche di base e momenti pratici in cui i Team possono mettere in pratica direttamente su strada le nozioni apprese. Gli equipaggi più esperti, invece, possono utilizzare il Training Day come momento di riscaldamento e affinamento delle proprie abilità, prima di affrontare le sfide più impegnative della gara.
Jan 23
Waiting for the first edition of 1000 Miglia Experience Italy, the new Italian event of the Red Arrow that will take you beyond the classic routes of the most beautiful Race in the world, let’s enjoy the passage of a 1952 O.S.C.A. MT 4 1100 through the most characteristic streets of Positano during Sorrento Roads of 2022 🌊
In attesa della prima edizione di 1000 Miglia Experience Italy, il nuovo evento italiano della Freccia Rossa che ti porterà oltre i classici tracciati della Corsa più bella del mondo, godiamoci il passaggio di una O.S.C.A. MT 4 1100 del 1952 tra le vie più caratteristiche di Positano durante Sorrento Roads del 2022 🌊
Jan 21
Crew 94, in an elegant 1935 Riley Sprite, letting themselves be carried away by the magic of a breathtaking landscape that only Italy can offer 🏞️
L`equipaggio 94, a bordo dell`elegante Riley Sprite del 1935, si lascia trasportare dalla magia di un paesaggio mozzafiato che solo l`Italia sa regalare 🏞️
Jan 16
The type of red that we like 🤩
Il rosso che ci piace 🤩
#FerrariTribute2025 🔜
Jan 14
⚠️ Last weekend ⚠️
Have you entered the 1000 Miglia 2025?
If you haven`t already done so, you only have a few days left to enter: click on the link in the bio 👆
⚠️ Ultimo weekend ⚠️
Ti sei iscritto alla 1000 Miglia 2025?
Se non l’hai ancora fatto, ti restano pochissimi giorni per iscriverti: clicca sul link in bio 👆
#1000Miglia #1000Miglia2025
Jan 10
Only 1 month to go before entries close for the fifth Coppa delle Alpi by 1000 Miglia ❄
Experience the thrill of the 1000 Miglia winter competition that will officially start the Italian Championship Great Events 2025 🚗
80 Time Trials and 6 Average Trials along a route that winds through 11 Alpine passes and crosses the borders of Switzerland, Austria and Italy in 3 legs.
Secure your place for a unique experience. Click on the link in bio and enter 👆
Manca solo 1 mese alla chiusura delle iscrizioni per la quinta edizione di Coppa delle Alpi by 1000 Miglia ❄
Vivi il brivido della competizione invernale targata 1000 Miglia che darà il via ufficialmente al Campionato Italiano Grandi Eventi 2025🚗
80 Prove Cronometrate e 6 di Media lungo un percorso che si snoderà fra 11 passi alpini e che attraverserà, in 3 tappe, le frontiere di Svizzera, Austria e Italia.
Assicurati il posto per un’esperienza unica. Clicca sul link in bio e iscriviti 👆
#CoppadelleAlpi #CoppadelleAlpi2025
Jan 9
-2 weeks ⏳
Start the new year under the banner of the Red Arrow: enter the next edition of the 1000 Miglia and enjoy the experience of 5 days of racing through some of the most characteristic locations in Italy.
🗓️ From 17 to 21 June
Click on the link in bio and enter 👆, you have until Thursday 16 January at 4 pm.
-2 settimane ⏳
Inizia l’anno nuovo sotto il segno della Freccia Rossa: iscriviti alla prossima edizione della 1000 Miglia e goditi l’esperienza di 5 giorni di gara tra le località più caratteristiche della nostra Italia.
🗓️Dal 17 al 21 giugno
Clicca sul link in bio e iscriviti 👆, hai tempo fino a Giovedì 16 Gennaio alle 16:00.
#1000Miglia #1000Miglia2025
Jan 2