
Officina Mille Miglia

1000 Miglia S.r.l. creates an oppurtunity for youg talented person.

1000 Miglia Srl, the company that organizes the Mille Miglia, has created a competition for young talents, for the creation of an entrepreneurial project in the automotive sector.

The proposal judged as most brilliant and innovative will receive a prize of € 50,000 in order to ease the setup of a new activity, based in Italy.

The Mille Miglia, from its inception until 1957, was not only a road race, but an exceptional lab which allowed the motor industry to innovate, test and refine automotive technologies.

As and before the current Formula One circus, the Red Arrow was a real test bench where engineers used to compete researching and developing innovative technologies: a workshop for ideas.

The competitive spirit was driving the engineers’ ingenuity, pushing them in their search for more efficient engines and ever more performing chassis; as the research allowed the development of new materials, making the racing cars lighter yet more rigid.

The ambitious goal has always been this: to transform an innovative idea into a practical technologic solution.

Mille Miglia is part of the Italian heirloom and culture, and has given a unique contribution to automotive history.

Today 1000 Miglia S.r.l., the company tasked with the organization of the re-enactment of “the most beautiful race in the world”, has decided to renew its tradition of innovation, promoting a few success stories able to contribute to the success of the Italian automotive industry.

“Officina Mille Miglia – OMM”, a division of 1000 Miglia S.r.l. stems from this idea. This venture wants to remind us -not only with its name- the “Superba”: the Vintage sports car produced in Brescia by O.M., Officine Meccaniche, winner of the first Mille Miglia in 1927.

1000 Miglia S.r.l. therefore launched a public announcement of competition for Italian and international young talents, with the aim of creating a real “engine of ideas”, investing in an entrepreneurial project in the automotive sector, with a budget of 50.000 Euro for the chosen proposal.

This investment is aimed to help the start and development of a new company, based in Italy, supporting its start-up phase.

The winner idea -about a project, product or service- will be examined and chosen by a jury of experts as the most innovative, brilliant and with the best potential for a real entrepreneurial development.

The “Officina Mille Miglia” competition will be run in two different phases. In the first, participants will send their technic project and explanations before June 30th 2014; while in the second phase the chosen finalists will have more time, until October 20th, to send the Business Plan and the refined project. The winner will be announced before the end of the year.

The “silver medal” will enjoy the possibility of living a very useful working experience, allowing her to study the structure and dynamics of some leader companies, through a stage in one of the organizations supporting Officina Mille Miglia or in 1000 Miglia S.r.l.

The competition rules and all the information are available on the internet sites: and

​​​​​For information: Mattia Nanetti

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: (+39) 333 7506947