
1000 Miglia goes to school

The project that brings the Red Arrow to schools in Brescia and its province

The 1000 Miglia as an engine of modernity and progress, past and present. This will be the focus of the initiative that 1000 Miglia Srl and the Automobile Club of Brescia will bring to schools of all levels in Brescia and its province, under the patronage of the Department for Youth Policies of the Municipality of Brescia and the Province of Brescia, in collaboration with the Brescia Territorial School Office.

“The 1000 Miglia goes to school” will comprise a series of meetings led by Prof. Pala during which students will be shown the influence that the 1000 Miglia has had on the modernisation of multiple sectors (motoring and infrastructures first and foremost, but also industry, technology, art, customs and tourism) and how the race has been an important driving force in the symbolic unification of post-war Italy, embodying one of the emblems of the national revival that led to the Italian economic miracle. The meetings, each lasting one hour, will be aimed at primary, secondary and high school students and, in terms of language and content, will be tailored to different ages.

Schools interested in hosting the meetings can apply by writing to [email protected] by 18 March; the first 30 to apply will be included in the calendar of lessons to be held by the end of May.