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Treviglio, Stezzano, Bergamo, Provaglio d’Iseo, Ospitaletto, Gussago 

On the fifth day, before greeting Bergamo, that together with Brescia, are the Italian Capital of Culture 2023, the competing cars crossed the Bergamo territory passing through Treviglio, Stezzano, the Kilometro Rosso and then headed to the finish line in Brescia through Provaglio D’IseoOspitaletto and Gussago.


Treviglio welcomed the Red Arrow for the second time

Probably founded between the 5th and 6th centuries from the union of three Roman villas, hence the name Tre villae and therefore Treviglio, the town’s wealth and autonomy grew in the Middle Ages.

Surrounded at the time by a triple defensive moat, its purpose was purely agricultural and it developed greatly from the 14th century onwards.

The 16th and 17th centuries, on the other hand, represented the most difficult period for the town: initially a land disputed between France and the Republic of Venice, then between France and Spain, it was raided in 1509 by the Venetians and risked a second and terrible raid by the French army commanded by General Lautrec in 1522, which was only avoided thanks to a miraculous intervention: the fresco of the Madonna and Child preserved in the Augustinian Monastery began to cry and convinced the general to lay down his arms. A great development occurred in the 19th century due to the arrival of the railway. The excellent connections, which still today make Treviglio easily reachable from Milan, Cremona, Bergamo, Verona and Venice, gave a boost to the industrial development of the town, as well as to social development: public schools were founded, which still today attract many students from all over the Lombardy region, as well as philanthropic associations, excellent services and, between the 19th and 20th centuries, the Public Library and the Civic Museums.


The 1000 Miglia in Stezzano, cradle of technological innovation and Bergamo’s green lung

Stezzano is located in the southern plains of Bergamo, the city it borders on, and its roots date back to Roman times: in fact, it has always played an important role thanks to its position along the military road that connected Milan to Bergamo. The historical centre is an interesting example of a fortified agricultural village of medieval origin, still intact in its structure. It is mainly characterized by historic period buildings, agricultural courtyards and many large noble villas: Villa Moroni, Villa Moscheni, Villa Maffeis/Grumelli-Pedrocca (currently the town hall), Villa Morlani and Villa Caroli-Zanchi. Also worth mentioning in the Stezzano area are the parish church dedicated to St John the Baptist, the Shrine dedicated to the Madonna dei Campi, the small 16th century church on the border with Bergamo and the characteristic fountain, known as ol Surbù, built on the occasion of the passage of Emperor Ferdinand I of Austria in 1838. Considering the ratio between the surface area of the municipality and the number of parks, currently 13, Stezzano constitutes one of the largest green lungs in the Bergamo hinterland and is also home to numerous national and international companies in the fields of logistics, technological innovation, braking systems production, energy and automation.


Second consecutive passage of the 1000 Miglia through Bergamo in the year of the Capital of Culture

Bergamo is one of the richest and most characteristic capital cities of northern Italy: set in a system of hills that has been a Regional Park since the 1970s, the city is characterised by its different souls (linked by historical villages of considerable interest): the historical centre of Città Alta, surrounded by the mighty Venetian Walls built at the end of the 17th century and a UNESCO Heritage Site, and Città Bassa, the modern part of the city. A city of art and culture (this year’s Italian Capital of Culture with Brescia), Bergamo is at the centre of one of the most innovative and productive areas on the European continent, and is the second largest manufacturing district by added value in the old continent.

Provaglio D’Iseo

The 1000 Miglia among the treasures of Lake Iseo

A link between the lake and the hills, Provaglio d’Iseo encompasses precious art and natural treasures such as the Torbiere del Sebino and the Cluniac Monastery of San Pietro in Lamosa, making it a truly unique place. The Monastery, founded in the 11th century and still one of the most interesting Romanesque complexes in the province of Brescia, dominates the Torbiere del Sebino, a Nature Reserve of international importance. The area is also rich in interesting historical buildings: Palazzo Francesconi, once a noble residence and today the prestigious seat of the Town Hall; the 16th-century Sanctuary of the Madonna del Corno, externally decorated with frescoes of which some parts still remain, built around the beginning of the 16th century and dedicated to the Annunciation of the Madonna. The Castle, an ancient building complex, bears witness to the importance this place has had since the Middle Ages: the ancient medieval fortress, which archaeological excavations and restoration work are bringing to light and enhancing. Worthy of note is also the small Church of San Bernardo, dating back to the second half of the 15th century.

Rodengo Saiano

Grace and simplicity among the hills and the plains in Brescia

Halfway between Brescia and Lake Iseo, Rodengo Saiano overlooks the plains, nestling on the hills (Monte Pianello, Monte Delma, Colle della Rocca) where the Torrente Gandovere and the Seriola Molinaria flow.

Its rural origin has been somewhat altered in recent decades by demographic pressure from the city. Nevertheless, the testimony of the settlements that gave rise to the town remains alive, noticeable in the ancient walls and manor houses that characterise each district.

The historical and architectural elements that most characterise the area are the Franciscan Calvary on Mount Delma, today the seat of the Symposium Academy, the deconsecrated church of San Salvatore, which today hosts cultural events of all kinds, and above all the Olivetana Abbey, a religious complex founded in 1090 inside which it is possible to admire Romanino’s frescoes. The many centuries of the Abbey’s history have given us a building whose richness contributes to an ensemble that as a whole expresses grace and simplicity.

To compensate for the cumbersome presence of the arterial roads and productive and commercial activities, in addition to the paths that cross the woods of the hills, a number of urban oases (the Frantoio park, the Ciclodromo, the Ortoparco, the Ortobosco) allow you to enjoy the greenery and quietness on your doorstep.

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A rainy 1000 Miglia, a lucky 1000 Miglia 🌧 
Not even the rain could stop the crews, who continued their sporting activities with perseverance and determination 💪🏻
1000 Miglia bagnata, 1000 Miglia fortunata 🌧 
Nemmeno la pioggia ha fermato gli equipaggi che hanno continuato ad affrontare le attività sportive con costanza e determinazione💪🏻

This is the #1000Miglia 2024 🫶🏻
Questa è la #1000Miglia 2024 🫶🏻
After some 2200 km through some of the most beautiful places in Italy, the crews reached #Brescia 
Let’s review the best moments of Leg 5 🥲🚗🏁
Dopo circa 2200 km attraversando alcuni tra i luoghi più belli d’Italia, gli equipaggi hanno raggiunto #Brescia 
Rivediamo i momenti più belli della Tappa 5 🥲🚗🏁
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1 day ago

Ripercorriamo i luoghi della Tappa 2 della #1000Miglia2024

Altra novità della 1000 Miglia 2024: Genova. Gli equipaggi raggiunta la costa, affiancando il mar Ligure hanno raggiunto il Porto Antico della città, dove si è svolto il pranzo della seconda giornata di gara. Le vetture hanno poi sfilato per le vie del centro città passando, accolte da un folto pubblico, sotto l’arco di Piazza Vittoria.

📍La Spezia
L’ultimo atto ligure dell’edizione 2024 della Freccia Rossa è stato il passaggio a La Spezia: dapprima il Controllo Timbro e le Prove Cronometrate fra le imponenti fregate della Marina Militare all’interno dell’Arsenale Militare Marittimo, poi con un altro timbro nel cuore della città, in Piazza Verdi.

Arrivati in Versilia, gli equipaggi hanno raggiunto Viareggio, dove gli edifici Liberty della famosa Passeggiata hanno fatto da cornice a 4 Prove Cronometrate. Il Controllo Orario che ha sancito la fine della Tappa 2 è stato a Torre del Lago Puccini, in ricordo dei cento anni dalla scomparsa del Maestro.

Scopri tutti i luoghi della Tappa 2 al link in bio 👉
Let’s look back at the locations of Leg 2 of the #1000Miglia2024

Another new feature of the 1000 Miglia 2024: Genoa. After reaching the coast, on the Ligurian Sea, the crews arrived at the city’s Porto Antico, where lunch was held on the second day of the race. The cars then paraded through the streets of the city centre and, greeted by a large crowd, passed under the arch of Piazza Vittoria.

📍La Spezia
The last Ligurian act of the 2024 edition of the Red Arrow was the passage through La Spezia: first the Passage Control and the Time Trials among the imposing frigates of the Navy inside the Maritime Military Arsenal, then another passage stamped in the heart of the city, in Piazza Verdi.

Once in Versilia, the crews reached Viareggio, where the Art Nouveau buildings of the famous Passeggiata provided the backdrop for four Time Trials. The Time Control that marked the end of Leg 2 was at Torre del Lago Puccini, in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the death of the Maestro.

Discover all the locations of Leg 2 at the link in bio 👉
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3 days ago

J.P. Morgan Private Bank si unisce per il primo anno alla leggendaria corsa automobilistica ✨
Conoscenza, tecnica e passione sono i valori fondamentali che il prestigioso marchio, sempre al fianco dei suoi clienti e delle loro passioni, condivide con la 1000 Miglia.
Per l’occasione la multinazionale ha dato la possibilità ai propri ospiti di provare l’ebrezza di un simulatore di guida che consente di gareggiare con auto d’epoca in un’esperienza davvero emozionante🚗
J.P.Morgan Private Bank teams up for the first year with the legendary car race ✨
Expertise, technique and passion are the core values that the prestigious brand, always side by side with its clients and their passions, shares with the 1000 Miglia.
For the occasion, the multinational company gave its guests the chance to experience the thrill of a driving simulator that allowed them to race classic cars in a truly thrilling experience 🚗

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J.P. Morgan Private Bank si unisce per il primo anno alla leggendaria corsa automobilistica ✨
Conoscenza, tecnica e passione sono i valori fondamentali che il prestigioso marchio, sempre al fianco dei suoi clienti e delle loro passioni, condivide con la 1000 Miglia. 
Per l’occasione la multinazionale ha dato la possibilità ai propri ospiti di provare l’ebrezza di un simulatore di guida che consente di gareggiare con auto d’epoca in un’esperienza davvero emozionante🚗
J.P.Morgan Private Bank teams up for the first year with the legendary car race ✨
Expertise, technique and passion are the core values that the prestigious brand, always side by side with its clients and their passions, shares with the 1000 Miglia. 
For the occasion, the multinational company gave its guests the chance to experience the thrill of a driving simulator that allowed them to race classic cars in a truly thrilling experience 🚗

#1000Miglia2024Image attachmentImage attachment
5 days ago

1000 Miglia bagnata, 1000 Miglia fortunata 🌧
Nemmeno la pioggia ha fermato gli equipaggi che hanno continuato ad affrontare le attività sportive con costanza e determinazione💪🏻
A rainy 1000 Miglia, a lucky 1000 Miglia 🌧
Not even the rain could stop the crews, who continued their sporting activities with perseverance and determination 💪🏻

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1000 Miglia bagnata, 1000 Miglia fortunata 🌧 
Nemmeno la pioggia ha fermato gli equipaggi che hanno continuato ad affrontare le attività sportive con costanza e determinazione💪🏻
A rainy 1000 Miglia, a lucky 1000 Miglia 🌧 
Not even the rain could stop the crews, who continued their sporting activities with perseverance and determination 💪🏻

1 week ago

Ripercorriamo i luoghi della Tappa 1 della #1000Miglia2024

L’11 giugno la gara è partita dalla città che le ha dato i natali: Brescia, luogo che è passato, presente e futuro, anima e cuore della Corsa, sede di partenza e arrivo sin dalla prima edizione.

📍Palazzolo sull’Oglio
Proseguendo, gli equipaggi sono stati accolti con grande entusiasmo dalla città conosciuta per la bellezza della sua Torre, vero e proprio simbolo di Palazzolo, che con i suoi 92 metri d’altezza è la torre civica campanaria a base circolare più alta d’Europa.

E, infine, la prima novità della #1000Miglia2024: per la prima volta la rievocazione della corsa ha fatto tappa a Torino. Il passaggio in via Roma fino a Piazza San Carlo, dove le vetture sono state presentate al pubblico, è stato speciale, con il colpo d’occhio della Mole Antonelliana che, per l’occasione, si è illuminata della Freccia Rossa.

Scopri tutti i luoghi della Tappa 1 al link 👉
Let’s look back on the locations of Leg 1 of the #1000Miglia2024

The race started on 11 June from the city of its origins: Brescia, a place that is the past, present and future, the soul and heart of the Race, the start and arrival since the first edition.

📍Palazzolo sull’Oglio
Continuing on, the crews were welcomed with great enthusiasm by the town known for the beauty of its Tower, a true symbol of Palazzolo, which at a height of 92 metres is the tallest round-based civic bell tower in Europe.

And finally, the first novelty of the #1000Miglia2024: for the first time, the re-enactment of the race stopped in Turin. The passage through Via Roma to Piazza San Carlo, where the cars were presented to the public, was special, with the glimpse of the Mole Antonelliana which, for the occasion, was illuminated by the Red Arrow.

Discover all the places of Leg 1 at the link 👉
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After some 2200 km through some of the most beautiful places in Italy, the crews reached #Brescia
Let's review the best moments of Leg 5 🥲🚗🏁

After the Time Trials in Baschi, #Orvieto welcome the Red Arrow: continuing through the Terni area, there were the Time Trials in Montegabbione, the last sporting activity before the break 📍
The lunch break of the fourth leg was #Solomeo💫

The longest day has begun: 590 kilometres will be covered by the cars in Leg 4.
The crews left Rome to reach the towns of #Civita Castellana and #Amelia for the first two Passage Controls of the day.
The wonders of our country continue to provide the backdrop to the #1000Miglia

The cars of the #1000Miglia2024 plunged into the unmistakable Tuscan landscapes that once again welcomed the Red Arrow this year.
What a wonderful show! 🤩

Before reaching Tuscan soil, the crews tackled the Average Trial of the Bracco Pass, then reached #LaSpezia, the last Ligurian city to host the transit of the #1000Miglia2024 with a Time Trials inside the Maritime Military Arsenal ⏱️🚗
Then #Massa welcomed the event.

The 2024 edition of the most beautiful race in the world arrived in #Genova, European Capital of Sport 2024, for the first time in its almost 100-year history.
The Ligurian capital welcomed the Red Arrow with an incredible view of the city from the Belvedere dei Dogi 😍
