I Luoghi della 1000 Miglia

San Felice del Benaco

The 1000 Miglia happy cove

During the first leg of the 40th commemoration of the “most beautiful race in the world”, in 2022, the cars drove through the area, including the three small towns of S. Felice, Portese and Cisano. A morainic headland jutting out over Lake Garda between the gulf of Salò and the gulf of Manerba, bordered by Monte della Croce, Monte Campagnolo and Monte Santa Caterina.

The name San Felice probably derives from the Latin sinus felix (happy cove) or from the patron saints of the town: Felice, Adauto and Flavia.

Since 1927, San Felice, Portese and Cisano have formed a single municipality. The roots of the settlements are very ancient, in fact, pile-dwelling stations, Roman tombstones have been discovered and the remains of medieval castles are still visible.