I Luoghi della 1000 Miglia


The 1000 Miglia in the “poised on the edge of the Tuscan province”

Poggibonsi (Podium Bonitii: Poggiobonizio) “poised on the edge of the Tuscan province”, as Giovanni Villani defined it in his Chronicle of 1300, is located in the Alta Valdelsa at the confluence of the main communication routes that cross Tuscany.

Its origins are very ancient, tradition claims it was founded by the retreating soldiers of Catiline, defeated by Petreio in the battle of Piteccio near Pistoia in 62 B.C., certain traces are provided by Late Roman, Longobard and Carolingian finds on the Poggiobonizio hill.

Poggibonsi today is lively, dynamic, and always open to novelties and different cultures; there are all the services that a town can offer, while remaining strongly attached to its origins, historical events and traditions, so much so that it is a centre of primary importance in the Valdelsa area. The centre of the Tuscan town was crossed on 17 June 2022 by the 426 cars of the 1000 Miglia during the third leg.